Breaking the Cheese Habit and the Power of Simple Adjustments

Breaking the Cheese Habit & the Power of Simple Adjustments


How a Cheese Obsession Took Hold

Have you ever found yourself caught in a habit that gradually worsens over time? Well, that was me and cheese. I must admit, it wasn't just cheese; I’d similar experiences with cashews, protein balls, and chocolate - the list goes on. Every now and then, I would fall into a pattern...

I have a deep affection for cheese, no doubt about it. It's one of my top two all-time favourite foods, alongside chocolate. I enjoy it in various ways - pairing it with almonds, adding it to omelettes and scrambled eggs, using it in tacos, or savouring it on its own.


Tight Clothes and Realisations

However, as my cheese consumption increased, I noticed that my clothes started feeling tighter too. I didn't feel as comfortable in my own skin.

At first, I attributed it to a significant change in my lifestyle. When I left my corporate position as a National Marketing Manager, I lost the incidental exercise that used to be part of my daily routine - walking from a distant parking spot, moving around the office to interact with colleagues, or taking a stroll to the grocery store during lunch breaks.

Instead, I found myself stationed at the dining room table, working from home, engaging in Zoom meetings with clients, and designing coaching programs. The only movement I seemed to be getting was the short walk to the refrigerator for a cheese fix! My Apple watch kept reminding me that although I met my daily goal of 30 minutes of exercise, the "move" goal remained untouched.

Despite my efforts, my clothes remained snug, and I realised I needed a new approach. But what could I do?



From Overindulgence to Mindful Moderation: Discovering the Power of Small Adjustments

I couldn't fathom giving up my beloved cheddar cheese. I cherished those moments of snacking on it with almonds, incorporating it into my breakfast, or simply enjoying a slice on its own.

But I decided.

And you know what happened?

After a few weeks, my clothes started fitting better. I felt an improvement in my overall well-being, and it amazed me that the only change I’d made was reducing my cheese intake.

It reminded me of the 80/20 rule - aiming for 80% healthy choices and allowing 20% for treats. It turned out that cheese didn't quite fit into that 80% category!

This experience taught me a valuable lesson - sometimes, even a small change can have a significant impact. Instead of completely overhauling my diet, I carefully examined what I was consuming and made simple adjustments.

But it doesn't end with food. This cheese adventure made me reflect on other aspects of my life that could benefit from minor tweaks. Perhaps there's something in your own life that could use a small adjustment - something that could positively transform how you look and feel.

Sometimes, a subtle change can ignite a whole new mindset. I wanted to share my journey to inspire others along the way.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on my cheese escapades or if you resonate with my experience. It might seem unconventional, but I believe in the power of simple changes that yield remarkable results.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story and if you would like to discuss building healthy habits into your routine, book a complimentary 30-minute call here and we can chat.

P.S. Don't worry, I haven't given up cheese entirely. I adore it too much! Instead, I've taken inspiration from one of my favourite quotes - "Everything in Moderation." It's about finding a balance that works for me!


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