Escaping the Cycle of Self-Sabotage as a Mum and Woman

Escaping the Cycle of Self-Sabotage as a Mum & Woman


The Hidden Consequences of Ignoring Your Needs

I initially started blogging because I believe you're self-sabotaging by ignoring your own needs as a mum and as a woman while you're "waiting for your kids to grow up," and it's not good for your children either.

Because, while you tell yourself you're doing what's best for them, the truth is: 

  • They need a strong role model.
  • When you ignore your needs, you feel more stressed, and that leads to friction.
  • Life is precious, and making your happiness a priority will benefit everyone around you.

But I get it, it's hard to know where to even start when you're in the thick of it.

Which is exactly why I started this blog.

I did it for me, for you, and for them!



Becoming a Strong Role Model and Prioritising Happiness

I love my kids wholeheartedly, and I want the absolute best for them. At the same time, I find raising teenagers challenging, so I explored and tested ways to make it easier and more bearable for myself.

In the process, I transformed my own life.

I found more purpose and peace.

My relationships improved.

And I can't wait to help you do the same.


Empowering Mums

The practices and ideas I teach have supported me and will make your life better too: 

  • You will feel connected to other mums and people in general, so you don't feel so alone as you raise your kids.
  • You'll discover who you are apart from being "just a mum," your identity and what makes you amazing.
  • You'll wave goodbye to resentment, anger, fear, mum-guilt, and judgment and say hello to calm, confidence, joy, happiness, love, and time.
  • You'll activate tools and strategies to help you ditch the overwhelm, make more time for yourself, and fill your own cup so you have more love to share with those you care about.
  • You'll accept who you are and show up as your very best version, for yourself and for everyone around you.

The Break the Busy Cycle and Claim Calm self-paced online coaching program and 1:1 life coaching with me will uncover your core values, limiting beliefs, and purpose in life.

And at the same time, you will also be a better mum and woman.

You can click here for ways you can work with me. I'm really looking forward to hearing from you.


Let's Connect @emmalagerlow