From Chaos to Calm

From Chaos to Calm


The Wake-Up Call

I can vividly recall the exact moment I realised my life had become too busy. It was March 2020, right amid the COVID-19 pandemic. I found myself working from home, alongside the kids who were suddenly home-schooled. We were only allowed to venture outside for essential errands, and everything felt upside down.

On a beautiful autumn day, I sat in my backyard, contemplating it all. It was an unbelievable time, where life as we knew it was turned on its head. Some things would never be the same again.

I’d grown accustomed to a whirlwind lifestyle - early morning exercise, household chores, school drop-offs, work, rushing back home for activities, late dinners, and repeating the cycle the next day. It was a never-ending race that left me feeling overwhelmed and on the brink of burnout.

But amidst the chaos and disruption, I secretly liked the idea of not having to rush from one thing to the next. It was during this unexpected pause that I had a moment of clarity - I didn't want to return to that crazy, busy life ever again, if I could help it.

This moment of realisation gave me the opportunity to reassess my life. Before the pandemic, I was living on a hamster wheel, constantly striving to keep up with the demands of daily life. I started reflecting on all the things I’d longed to do, the dreams I had tucked away. It was time to turn those dreams into reality.

One of those dreams was starting a blog, with the hope that it would eventually blossom into a book. The pandemic became the catalyst for my quest to find peace and purpose in life.

During that time, I crossed paths with an amazing individual named Avril, an incredibly talented graphic designer and digital marketing guru. I shared my aspirations with Avril, and I’m forever grateful for her unwavering support. She embraced my dream as her own, designing my website and giving my brand its unique look and feel. Avril also ignited a hunger for self-growth within me, recommending podcasts and books that continue to inspire me endlessly. If you're looking for someone to bring your dreams to life, I highly recommend reaching out to Avril at [email protected].


Discovering Calm in the Chaos: Embracing Self-Care and Reflection

As I delved deeper into my journey of self-discovery, meditation emerged as a transformative practice. Initially, I dabbled in it sporadically, but soon I experienced its profound benefits. Meditation became my anchor, guiding me through family health crises and significant life changes. Alongside meditation, I embraced journaling and practicing gratitude. These rituals became non-negotiable, even if I only had 10-15 minutes to spare. They played a vital role in finding calm amidst the chaos, and I wholeheartedly recommend them to my coaching clients.

Engaging in these rituals not only sets a calm intention for each day but also helps me feel centred, grounded, and patient. They provide clarity amid the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, offering a positive outlook on life. I must admit, I've become addicted to the peace they bring.

As my vision for a more fulfilling life took shape, I started connecting with like-minded individuals, discovering inspirational business coaches, and forming bonds with incredible women who shared similar aspirations. Through these connections, I began to believe that there was another way to live - a life of freedom and tranquillity.

It was on this path of self-development that my passion for life coaching was born. I devoured books written by life coaches, enlisted the help of a life coach myself, and eventually decided to pursue life coaching as my own calling. I launched my blog and embraced life coaching whenever possible, all while juggling a demanding 30-hour workweek as a National Marketing Manager. Even when the lockdowns eased, and I returned to the office, my self-care rituals continued to support me, ensuring that I remained calm, patient, and grounded. They showed me that a new way of life was indeed possible.



Finding Freedom and Purpose in a Busy World

On September 14, 2020, I’d penned a letter to myself, capturing my dreams and aspirations. Today, I can scarcely believe that everything and more has come to fruition.

In 2021, I mustered the courage to resign from my corporate role of nearly nine years. I took the leap to become a full-time life coach and writer, embracing the joy of helping my coaching clients. My audience has grown exponentially, and my mental and physical health have significantly improved thanks to my self-care practices. While I may socialise less, I've had the privilege of meeting countless inspiring individuals through my new endeavours. Most importantly, my relationship with my family has transformed. I feel more fulfilled, present, and patient with my kids and partner.

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I’d be a guest on multiple podcasts or contemplate starting my own. I’ve successfully launched and run digital coaching programs, and my life is simply sensational. Each day, I wake up with a profound sense of calm and freedom, passionately embracing the work I do with my clients and creating content that I hope inspires and supports others.

If you're yearning to find more calm in your own life, just as I have, I invite you to sign up for my 4-module self-paced coaching program. This program will guide you through the practical steps that have supported me on my journey - managing your time to prioritise what truly matters, prioritising self-care to cultivate self-love, and discovering a sense of purpose beyond the busyness. I know, without a doubt, that it’s possible for you to break free from the cycle of busyness and claim your own sense of calm. You can learn more about the program and take the first step towards a more fulfilling life here.

Take care and thanks for reading.


Let's Connect @emmalagerlow